This is blog dedicated to reviewing books (Orthodox, non-Orthodox, religious or secular) from an Orthodox Christian point of view. The books are reviewed by our in-house avid reader, Matt. Many of these books are available in our parish Library and tagged as such.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Exploring the Inner Universe

Exploring the Inner Universe
by Archimandrite Roman Braga

Fr. Roman Braga, a priest-monk of the Romanian Orthodox Church, confessor for Christ and a founder of modern Orthodox monasticism in both the U.S. and South America, has blessed us with the publication of this book, part biography, part interview and part essay- all very edifying. The depth of his words come not only from a life spent nurtured in the monastic tradition of Orthodoxy, with its emphasis upon humility, love, work and prayer. For over 11 years he was imprisoned under the Communist regime in Romania, including several years in solitude confinement. Most of the others went insane, yet like so many confessors of the Faith before and since, Fr. Roman delved into his heart through prayer to meet God. In fact, he says it was his prison experience that turned him into a monk, so to speak.

Although 85 years old, I spoke with him recently at the Dormition of the Mother of God monastery and he is still quite stong. While reading the prayers in commemoration of the faithful departed, I stood behind him, looking at the scars on his head from the beatings he took years ago. I asked him once, what he would do if he saw any of his old guards who were so cruel to him. He simply said without hesitation, "I have seen them. I love them." That is where this book is coming from. Please read this book. Each sentence is full of love, humility and penetrating truths like the brush strokes of an icon of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I also ask that you consider reading two other modern classics that will certainly uplift and inspire you to love God and neighbor with a renewed sense of God's presence and will in your life: Mountain of Silence and Father Arseny. Both are true gems waiting in the field for you to uncover. If not now, when?

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